How much are pearls worth according to their quality?
Remember that it is the combination of the 7 factors that determines how much the pearls cost.
Shine: The intensity of light reflected from the surface of a pearl. We mention the brightness first, because we consider it very important, if a pearl does not shine, it is not of quality. Other things being equal, the brighter a pearl is, the more valuable it is.
Size: Detailed in millimeters and up to two decimal places. The larger a pearl is, the higher its value.
You can find pearls from 2mm to more than 30mm:
Shape: Referred to as Round, Half Round, Oval, Button, Drop, Semi-Baroque, Circle Baroque and Baroque. Pearls that do not fall into these categories are described by the shape they appear, for example, coin pearls are so called because they are shaped like a coin. As a general rule, the rounder a pearl is, the higher its value.
See pearls according to their shape:
Surface: The number, size, and location of blemishes in a pearl. The fewer imperfections, of smaller size and in a smaller percentage of its surface that a pearl presents, the greater its value.
Color: While color does not affect the quality of a pearl, certain shades of color can be more valuable than others. For example, in the golden variety of South Sea pearls, the deeper the gold color, the higher its value.
Discover all the colors pearls have:
Quality and thickness of mother-of-pearl: Most freshwater pearls are all mother-of-pearl, so they are not affected by this factor, but to get certain freshwater pearls and all saltwater pearls, there are to include a nucleus that the oyster covers with mother-of-pearl. The thicker and better quality the mother-of-pearl, the higher the value of the pearl.
Matched: The uniformity of pearls in a necklace or in pieces containing multiple pearls. This task, which may seem simple, is actually very difficult. It can take years to source the pearls to create a good quality, large pearl necklace, as the color, luster, shape and amount of blemishes have to be similar in each pearl.
Understanding the different Shapes:
Now that you know a bit about the 7 factors, you will be able to better understand why earrings or a necklace with 6mm pearls that barely shine, are not very round and have visible imperfections on a large part of their surface, are immensely cheaper than some with 13 mm pearls whose 7 factors are optimal.